World of warships how to carrier
World of warships how to carrier

world of warships how to carrier world of warships how to carrier

We got more info and the trailer below showing off more as the update comes later this month. So essentially, it's a wasp's nest that can be sunk quickly. That said, they cannot stand up to gunfire from enemy ships for long periods of time before being sunk. These carriers are able to strike enemies with squadrons of Dive and Torpedo bombers. Previously, aircraft carriers were just a temporary addition for an event, but this time around they are permanent as you're getting several designs that go all the way up to Tier VII. Two new aircraft carrier branches join the fleet in the next update along with a new campaign, Arena mode, and second-year activities.

world of warships how to carrier

Wargaming revealed this morning that they have finally added aircraft carriers to the mix in World Of Warships: Legends.

World of warships how to carrier